Preview of Baby #2 - The 20 Week Check-up & Gender Reveal

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Pregnant Again!

Yes, in case you were unaware, our first baby is just over 17 months old now - and he is a happy little traveler.

Baby #2

However, some time around February 22nd or so, we hit the jackpot again! Although, we didn’t know it for a least a few weeks thereafter… when morning sickness started to kick in and show its head again.

So, while conception technically occurred prior to covid-19 lockdown, it wasn’t until Bradley masked up and made his way to the pharmacy during the lockdown that we actually took “the test”.

We joke around when this test comes home, fresh in its box, because while we were in Switzerland you were able to purchase a product at the stores, or even in the vending machines, called “Maybe Baby” - a pregnancy test with a name that’s not just catchy, but accurate (completely separate from “Maybe Baby”).


So, “Maybe Baby” became “Looks like another Baby!”. We waited a little longer than normal to go to the hospital for our first checkup due to the lockdown, but once our “Movement Control Order” was reduced to “Conditional Movement Control Order”, we headed over to the hospital and confirmed it.

Since then, we’ve had a couple of check-ups, but this is the one you’ve been waiting for… the 20 week check-up!

The 20 Week Check-Up

It is a fairly common thing to be able to determine the baby’s gender during the 20 week check-up, mainly because the baby is just the right size to be able to easily see that particular part of the body. So, while we cannot go back to Belgium right now to stand in front of the correct fountain like we did last time (see our announcement page for our first child here and learn about our adventure giving birth to him in Cape Town, South Africa here), we have provided the actual check-up video below so that you can experience it just like we did… with one little catch - we’ve turned off the volume!

Thus, you’ll need to see for yourself and let us know what gender you think the baby is!

Make your guess in the comments section at the bottom of this article.


PLUS: If you have questions about where we plan to have the baby, how we are handling it while being in a foreign country, etc etc, feel free to add those questions in the comments as well.

*as long as it is related to this post and also family friendly!

Answers to the Questions Asked in the Comments Below

From Kathy G: Just wondering the due date and if that means you will be in the states to give birth?

The due date is currently December 2, 2020. And, due to the extent of coronavirus spread in the USA and how that effects hospitals (for example, Bradley might not be able to be in the delivery room if we choose to use a hospital in the USA), we are unlikely to consider being in the USA. However, if Malaysia requires us to leave (currently set at September 14th, but this has been extended numerous times) AND none of our other choices open up (Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, or South Africa), we may end up going to Hawaii for the birth.

From Sharyn: When will you tell us if we’re right??

Once we have at least 50 guesses in the comments :)

From Keao: Since you are not afraid to travel anywhere, do you start off with a particular place you would prefer to give birth in or do you already have a game plan for the next year and are just going to stick with it?

Great Question! Last time, when our son was born, we already had a game plan for the year… but, we did have to make adjustments to stay in Cape Town longer than we anticipated (and cancel our Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya trip). But, we basically stuck to our travel plan that time - even though we did consider giving birth in Nairobi, Kenya or even traveling all the way out to Bangkok, Thailand instead.

This time, we are looking at 4 vital criteria:
1) Great hospital system
2) Availability of Midwives
3) Cost of giving birth (most Asian countries either pay you to have a child, or cost no more than $2,000)
4) Safety regarding Coronavirus

Our list currently includes: Malaysia (as that is where we are currently), Singapore (nearby, but a bit too expensive), Taiwan, South Korea, Japan (if these three countries open up to travelers coming in from Malaysia), and Hawaii in the USA (as a last resort - as we’d likely have trouble traveling out of the USA after we enter).

From Kathy: I'm also curious where you are planning to have the baby?

Right now it looks like we’ll be having the baby in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - if Malaysia lets us stay until the end of the year. That is assuming that Taiwan, South Korea, or Japan don’t open their doors to travelers before October. Otherwise, the default is Hawaii, USA if we are forced to leave Malaysia (visa expired) and the other countries don’t open up.

From Dyan: Are you folks planning on visiting Hawaii once (if covid gets under control) travel restrictions ease?

We would really LOVE to bring the kids to Hawaii - we talk about it all the time! Honestly, if it weren’t for covid, that would likely have ended up being our #1 choice for the birth. However, even though Hawaii has been doing MUCH better than the other states, we fear that if we go there now that we’ll end up getting stuck in the USA as most countries aren’t allowing people to come in FROM the USA. Actually, our initial plans - prior to covid - were to go from here to Taiwan and then to spend the second half of 2020 traveling across the USA. Having covid start, then close down everything, and finding out we were pregnant along the way ended up changing everything! Let’s hope for a quick global recovery so we can make our way out to Hawaii!


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